You know that friend that is always in such a good mood that it's contagious. When he speaks you get goosebumps and you never want him to stop. If you think that he doesn't exist, You are wrong!
We are that friend! Extra FM isn't a radio, its your best friend that is constantly spinning the best music. Because with us You are never alone and You will never be down!
- Listen and collect credits
- Order songs directly from the app
- Follow all the current events related to Extra FM from news to social media
- Chat with the rest of the crew while You're listening to music directly from the app
All that and much more, that's the ExtraFM app
- 倾听并收集学分
- 订单的歌曲直接从应用程序
- 按照所有相关的额外FM从新闻到社交媒体的时事
- 聊天与船员休息,而你直接从应用听音乐